Monday, 28 October 2019

ok so another 'plaque' type image... done in white road marking crayon...


still more to do here I think...   the image is split into two by the 'tu tu'... this gives it another perspective... the two body parts (torso and legs) have to be lined up vertically and depth wise on the wax block... a new phenomena to concentrate on ..

Thursday, 10 October 2019

OK ....  so a follow on from a previouse post ..  wax crayon carvings..  ;-) .
    I have got some bigger ones... road marking crayons, a little crisp like the cheap crayons for carving, but are nice hard wax for thew finished item.. so 50-50 I suppose... hahaha any way, I broke the first carving... a chess piece... the night, broke his head off.. hehe so what to do with the stub left..??  melt it down with the scraps, or try something else.....
  I tried something else... this is the 'shaddow' of buggs bunny in the making.... oooops alread with right ear missing... hahaha

 I am doing these with normal clay carving type tools, but have just bought a rotory tool as the wax is so brittle may be the rotory tool can take out some areas with less pressure applied ( which is how I snapped the neck off and then lost an ear..  ) than a hand scraper tool.. we shall see.  ;-)

Ol so an update on the 'shadow' of Buggs Bunny ... 

Hahahaha and a crafty Mickey Mouse look a like slipped in as well ;-)

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

ok.. so an update on the old oak table...
now the frames are stripped of Lacquer and stain, and 1st coat of tung oil applied..

these will now be reassembled into the frame, and then have a 2nd coat of tung oil... then left another week or more to dry out... I still have to re store the tops so this will be done in between times..

 Mean while.... I am trying something else as a pastime , mainly because I am running out of room to put paintings, models etc.. hahaha but also it is omething I have never tried befor..  .. carving  ..  or 'sculpting '  haha..  so I am trying it with wax... as used for jewelry and small statue casting methods... 

 I used jumbo size wax crayons, cheap and easy to obtain with a variety of colors.. 

so not too bad really, pooh and friends and sponge-bop and his mate starfish.. color with acrylcs..

Friday, 9 August 2019

Hi All,
  just a catchup... a paper-cut mermaid, slightly offset from the back ground..

 the latest in a line of paper craft models..

just a little lonely old elephant..  .. ;-)

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

well in between stripping and cleaning up the table parts and joints I have done a couple of quick 'paper cut' items... due to it being too hot to go out and do more on the table.. ;-)

I have used a deep frame for each of these... the cheapo frames do not really show them off properly.. these frames allowed me to 'float' the item so that it did not look like a print on the back ground..  :-)

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Hi all.... well a break from art work... I have a table to refurb... 
an oak drop-leaf round gate-leg table.. the top has previously been sanded and varnished but a lllloong time ago ... this will be striped back.
The frame and barley twist legs are still in dark oak stain so this will all be striped back and 'upcycled as light oak... a more modern finish. and oiled instead of varnished... solid oak does not need varnishing to protect it..and very rickety with open joints

 so  ...
 we have a top in need of TLC,
 a frame that is very loose and repaired with screws into the joints....
 all these have been removed now and the frame separated to reveal as suspected, half the pegs broken in the joints...these will all have to be replaced and the several layers of glue cleaned off to enable me to sand it all back to the beautiful light oak color and reassemble as was when new.. ;-)

the frame and top now dissassembled.. ;-)

it is TOO hot to go out doing the table today ... it is 37 degress in the garden room where I do this work..  today I think I would rather be in


where the temp is a nice gentl 14 degrees and gentle rain..  ;-)


Thursday, 20 June 2019

OK ...  so now we have a pair of dancers.. ;-)

Monday, 10 June 2019

ok so in between allowing drying times for traction engine parts I have started another 'first.'. a posable doll type model..I have not tried any doll type models befor although there are plenty of cartoon type out there...

I was well into the model and seemed to be going not too bad when I realized I had no pictures of it..this one showing the head done.. this had to be resized as the original was a large comic type head, the joints I have simplified, using tubes.. an oversize one seen in the shoulder, one leg complete and the other waiting for the joint to dry... the arms waiting for shoulder and elbow joints..the feet I have to design myself asI require ballet type feet and slippers... there is one I have tried on the board..

OK...  ... here is the near complete model... hair to come... and perhaps a face..
 in a comic pose for now..

here is the pose that will be the display pose..

ok.. still waiting for some hair, but here is the doll with 'new feet' .. ;-)

Ok.... so here is the dancer mounted, still waiting for hair... I am doing another.... but have down sized the head a little more and the hands also.. we shall see if theat looks better.. ;-)

Here we have thew finished Showman's Traction Engine...  it was a kit.. I am not really impressed with the kits.. they leave a lot to be desired... parts actually fitting at per cut would be nice... if a template is supplied you expect it to work... not a lot of point other wise..

Saturday, 1 June 2019

ok... so I have started yet another pakaged matchstick model... a showmans engine.. here is the half way stage.
starting on left.... the boiler with extended front carrying the generator then the other componants with steam chest and the main body at the rear with underslung toolbox art bioler and body join.

 onto the wheels
made with suppied templates... the smaller front wheels just waiting for the flat rims and solid rubber tyres. the larger rear wheels still waiting for the rims and flats rims for tyres

next the hubs... solid maches waiting to be turned to round shape and cut for fitting..

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

 a larger picture of the area.. ;-)

a few birds coming in to sit on tree... :-)

ok so th bird tree is now in it's new 'home position'  ;-)

Saturday, 18 May 2019

OK ...  so some more birds...

 Nuthatch, Blue bird,Jenny wren and two gold finches in tree

flying goldfinch

Thursday, 2 May 2019

hi all..  today we have a  little ol kingfisher..

and a bird of prey for a bonus.. ;-)

a better picture of the hawk..  ..  perhaps.. ;-)

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Hi all, well a little detour back to paper/card models for a short while  ..  perhaps..  ;-)

a couple of humming birds to go on with.. 

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

OK   .. So, a little advancement on the first horse .. just done from a picture..

 slowly getting there, not looking like a  very happy horse at the moment.. ..   ears to do and final shaping then add the tail.. and do the other of the pair. ;-)

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Here we have the finished stage coach, complete with leather covers on the rear lugaage stand and the drivers foot well.. needs some horses really..

 so we shall see how this comes out, the left hand side.....
 next to turn it over and give a few layers for the right hand side,
then see how it sands down.. ;-) .....
all being well I shall have to do a couple of these..
 then sort out the collars and harnesses ... what fun we have eh..

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

OK so another look at the stage coach for now, almost done....just the driver foot well skirts and the boot cover to do now.. leatherette on order for this... thinking about perhaps a set of horses..  uummmm  ;-)

Sunday, 6 January 2019

A few more dancers....ready for frameing...  now what did they do...??  ;-)

Saturday, 5 January 2019

mean while..... while everything is drying on the model front... I did  a few dancers.. in paper cut art

 have a good day..  ;-)
just a quick update on the stage coach.. getting there now..

 the other door is drying ... just carriage steps, the Futchell and spliter bar for the horses and roof rack to do now, leather slings cut ready to mount the body properly..


Tuesday, 1 January 2019

so... in between doing parts of the stage coach I did a quick 'paper cut' exersize  ...